10 minutes with: Georgia Godwin (AUS)


Full Twist contributor Anna Rose Johnson recently caught up with Australia’s Georgia Godwin to discuss her training, upgrades, and future goals.

16-year-old Georgia Godwin is the reigning Australian National Champion. The resident of Brisbane trains at Gymnastics Queensland High Performance Centre with her coach Peter Abbott. Georgia won the Nadia Comaneci Invitational in February and finished fourth with her team at the City of Jesolo Trophy in March. Her favorite event is balance beam, and she scored a 14.300 on it at Australian Nationals.


FT: How has your training been going?

GG: Everything was on track for Worlds Trials until I had a slight hiccup with a pulled calf muscle. Things have however started to progress in the right direction again. My calf muscle is on the mend and I should be ready for the second round of Worlds Trials.


FT: What was it like to win the Australian National Championships?

GG: I had an injury prior to the event, as a result I didn’t have enough time to prepare for three rounds of competition, so my results in apparatus finals could have been better had I been fit and had an uninterrupted competition preparation.  I was extremely happy with the way I performed in the All-Around, but by the apparatus finals my lack or training was evident through my inconsistent performance. I was however surprised and happy at winning my first Senior All-Around National title.


FT: What is a typical day like for you?

GG: On a typical weekday, I wake up around 5:00, take my puppy for a walk, then get ready for training. Morning training consists of 2.5 hours of strength and conditioning followed by 6 hours of school work as I am currently in the middle of year 11 and 12 studies over 3 years. I then have another 3.5 hours of apparatus training, finishing at 7pm. When I go home, I have dinner and I am normally in bed by 9:00. The weekends are more relaxed, although Sunday is the one day I am able to unwind and do other things I enjoy.


            FT: Are you working on any more upgrades for this year?

GG: At this stage I am just focusing on consistency and execution in my routines. However, in the New Year I am looking at upgrading floor, bars, and beam, which should help me in my goal to get to Rio.


            FT: What are your goals for 2014 and beyond?

GG: One of my main aspirations is to medal at the 2015 World Championships and then hopefully continue my development to give me a chance to be competitive and medal at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.


            FT: What has been your biggest accomplishment in the sport?

GG: My biggest accomplishment was winning my first international competition, the Nadia Comaneci Invitational.


            FT: Have you considered competing for a U.S. college in NCAA gymnastics?

GG: I have thought about it, but as I still have 12 months left to go in my high school studies, I am at this stage, only concentrating on my senior studies and my gymnastics. But I would never say never, if I had the chance at competing in the NCAA gymnastics.


FT: If you were going to change anything about gymnastics, what would you change?

GG: There is not much I would change about this sport, as I have enjoyed every year of the 14 years I have been involved in it, but widening the beam is the one thing I have forever dreamt about.


Special thanks to Georgia to taking time out of her busy schedule to chat with Full Twist!

Image credit: Nadia Boyce

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