Russian Olympic Teams confirmed


Though there is nothing on the Russian Gymnastics Federation website, R Sport, which is usually a reliable source has confirmed that Rodienenko has confirmed it’s selection for the London 2012 Olympic Games.


  • Denis Ablyazin
  • Alexander Balandin
  • David Belyavskiy
  • Emin Garibov
  • Igor Pakhomenko
  • Alt: Nikita Ignatiev & Sergei Khorokhordin


  • Ksenia Afanasyeva
  • Anatasia Grishina
  • Viktoria Komova
  • Aliya Mustafina
  • Maria Paseka
  • (Alt: Tatiana Nabieva & Yulia Inshina)


  1. gymguy says:

    Paseka must have an Amanar now, otherwise, there was no reason to take her.

  2. Ying says:

    I won’t be surprised at all if this team finish off the podium, as they did in 2008.
    On a side note, I think Romania is now secured a medal. All they need to do is hit everything and wait for Chinese and Russians to falter, no 6.5 vaults in real need, unless they are aiming for gold.

  3. aaron ellis says:

    Wow! I’m not sure about Maria (I don’t know anything about her), I thought he was going to go with Tatiana?

  4. Rien says:

    Paseka has been training an Amanar for a while now. With Paseka doing this skill Russia has the highest combined difficulty score over USA and Romania and are most likely to win gold. Nabieva has been struggling and doesn’t put up the difficulty they need.

  5. Vincent says:

    : You have to remember that because the Russians will have the highest combined difficulty score, they have more chances to make mistakes; the USA team is typically more consistent than the Russians, even though they lack complete strength on the uneven bars. Then again, I believe the Romanians are going to surprise everyone. It’s going to be a close and exciting competition.

  6. Rien says:

    : I agree completely. Between Komovas beam, Aliyas floor, Pasekas vault and their other new seniors, you can almost count on a significant fault. Although I worry about another Sacramone situation happening to the US because some of the girls don’t do too well with pressure. I honestly think Romania is likely to win simply because even though they don’t have the highest difficulty, I don’t see them having any falls or major faults.

  7. aaron ellis says:

    @ Rien I don’t know where you came up with that information but the only thing Russia has higher than USA is Uneven bars. (2) 15.8 & (1) 16.5 does not compete with USA (3) 16.5. And lets not forget what their two main stars have produced on the main stage Komova (Worlds 11) Fell off the beam team finals and her huge stumble on floor. Mustafina (Europeans 12) landing on her behind (team qualifications) and her huge stumble on floor (team finals). Both these young ladies look very tired and worn out, if anyone if challenging team USA it’s Romania (who beat Russia) for gold. Russia is going to fight with China for bronze and if they pull a repeat at worlds or Europeans they WILL NOT be on the podium.

  8. Rien says:

    I’m not sure what your numbers are in reference to but I was talking about combined difficulty of all 4 events. US and Russia are tied for vault with 3 amanars each with 6.5 difficulty scores (not including the execution score) Russia has 6.3,6.1 and 6.0 for beam difficulty scores and US has 6.3,6.4 and 5.9 beam D scores. Russia has 5.9,5.8 and 6.1 D scores on floor. And US has 6.5,6.2 and 6.0 on floor. Russia has two 7.0 and one 6.5 D score on bars, US has one 6.5 and two 6.4′ s on bars. If you add these up Russia has a higher combined D score, hence IF everyone hits perfectly Russia wins due to their difficulty (completely hypothetical) . And lets not forget Wiebers fall on bars (worlds 11) Douglas’s complete miss on vault (Pac rim 12) Maroneys frightful crash on floor (visas12) Raismans awful bars (worlds 11) etc. Komova and Mustafina looked amazing at the Russian cup (the most recent competition) . Though I do agree Romania is quite a threat.

  9. aaronellis says:

    @ Rien: I think you need to rethink your facts. Russia has only 01 amanar not 03. Komova and Mustafina ARE NOT doing Amanars that was confirmed by their head coach, on an interview that was posted on here. Also I don’t know where you got your start values for USA but here are the correct ones
    Vault: Gabby, Jordyn, McKayla: 6.5+6.5+6.5
    Uneven Bars: Jordyn, Kayla, Gabby: 6.4+6.4+6.5
    Balance Beam: Kyla, Jordyn, Ali: 6.0+6.3+6.4 (w/Gabby 6.4)
    Floor exercise: Gabby, Jordyn, Ali: 6.2+6.2+6.5
    Vault: 5.8+5.8+6.5
    Uneven Bars: 7.0+7.0+6.8
    Balance Beam: 6.3+6.1+6.0
    Floor Exercise: 5.9+5.8+6.1
    So like I stated before Russia is only stronger on Uneven Bars
    Vault RUS: 18.1 USA: 19.5
    Uneven Bars: RUS: 20.8 USA: 19.3
    Balance Beam: RUS: 18.4 USA: 18.7 w/Gabby 19.1
    Floor Exercise: RUS 17.8 USA: 18.9
    Combine totals RUS: 75.1 USA: 76.4 or 76.8 w/Gabby
    Even if you claim Russia has 03 Amanars which I think their head coach would know what’s being used, they still don’t come out on top.
    RUS: 76.5 USA 76.4 or 76.8 w/Gabby, then to your other comment, Jordyn did not have a fall on uneven bars that was a form break, huge difference and w/that form break she still came away w/gold. Also we’re not talking about AA we’re talking team. Gabby did have an error on vault and still can pull a 16.0 on vault w/her Amanar. McKayla crashed in warm-ups that is correct BUT, that was warm-ups she still came back and competed, then she still can kill every Russian gymnasts on vault and she competes Mustafinas vault better than Mustafina can. The best Mustafina can give is a DTY, Titanna is an Alt so she won’t be vaulting so where is this third Amanar coming from, then if Titanna was one of the 5 she still hasn’t thrown and Amanar since 2010 Worlds.
    •Ksenia Afanasyeva (DTY)
    •Anatasia Grishina (DTY)
    •Viktoria Komova (DTY/Amanar) Russian Cup DTY/Euros didn’t compete/Russian Nationals didn’t compete/2011 Worlds DTY
    •Aliya Mustafina (DTY)
    •Maria Paseka (DTY/Amanar)
    Then Maria Paseka received an 11.930 in Vault Finals (6.5/5.8) that’s damn near her combined start value. So you think this is going to compete w/USA and their 05 gymnasts that have Amanars? Highest Scores awarded to all of the USA gymnasts on their Amanars, McKayla 16.033 Jordyn 16.0 Ali 16.0 Gabby 16.0 Kyla 15.5.
    Russia does have awesome gymnast I will never deny that BUT they’re not a threat to USA, Romania is the threat not Russia. The problem Russia is having is they are not allowing their gymnast to heal. They have to fight back to get where they were and then try to catch the rest of the field. Meaning once they try and get back to what they were the rest of the field hasn’t stopped to wait for them they are getting better and better adding one more twist, flip or spin and the Russians aren’t able to keep up. Mustafina has watered down all of her routines except bars, if they would have kept her out until 2012 Euro’s I think her endurance and body would have had enough time to rest and heal so that she wouldn’t look so tired. Both Aliya & Victoria look worn out and look like they’re going to crack on the big stage. That’s way too much pressure and too much weight on their shoulders, 02 can’t carry a team of 05! Time will tell and all will come out in 17 days the start on the 2012 games.

  10. aaronellis says:

    @ Rien I don’t know where and how you came up with any of the start values of the USA but they are sooooooooooooooooooo wrong. Here are the correct scores for team USA
    Vault: USA Gabby, Jordyn & McKayla (6.5/6.5/6.5)
    Uneven Bars: Jordyn, Kyla & Gabby (6.4/6.4/6.5)
    Balance Beam: Kyla, Jordyn, Ali (6.0/6.3/6.4) if they go with Gabby (6.2)
    Floor Exercise: Gabby, Jordyn, Ali (6.2/6.2/6.5)
    Then you claim Russia has 03 Amanars please advise where you came up with that? According to the article that was placed on Fulltwist their head coach said that they have no Amanars, here is the direct quote “Women’s head coach Alexander Alexandrov is worried. Because of injuries, Mustafina and her teammate Victoria Komova can’t currently manage the 2 1/2-turn vault he expects the Americans will be showing off in London. Coach Alexandrov says his team’s odds for medals in London are roughly 50-50. He thinks their best chance is on the uneven bars. The vault will be a problem, he repeats, as the Russians go up against China, America and Romania, the teams that won medals in Beijing.“ He says their odds for a medals or 50-50 and he didn’t say gold. Let’s not forget Russia was left off the podium for everything at the last Olympics. If Maria has an Amanar which I’m sure she does this is why she was placed in the line-up over Tatiana she’s not all that good at it. She scored 11.930 on vault finals (6.5/5.8) her total score was less than both start values put together. Her Amanar should put her in the 14’s or 15’s. So Russia has this as their start values on vault (5.8/5.8/6.5). So USA has Russia 1.4 lead. There is no denying Russia has amazing uneven bar workers Russia takes USA (6.4/6.4/6.5) by a 1.2 lead USA still in front by .2 Balance beam (6.0/6.3/6.4) if you add Gabby in (6.2/6.3/6.4) USA has it by .1 with gabby factored in .5 difference .3 w/out Gabby .6 w/Gabby. Now onto floor USA (6.2/6.2/6.5) USA has a 1.1 lead. The USA has a 1.7 in start values over Russia. Look at the current start values of team USA “Olympic Trials” they’re way higher and then where you got yours. Then Jordyn did not fall of Uneven Bars it was a form break (huge difference .3 vs 1.0 in deductions), then she still went on and beat Victoria for the gold medal. Jordyn Wieber is reigning World All Around Champion. McKayla fell in warm-ups, not an actual meet, came back to the Olympic Trials and won vault. McKayla is the BEST vault specialist in the world and can do Mustafinas vault better than Aliya Mustafina. Aliya is only capable of a DTY. Gabby messed up at Pac Rim but is now scoring 16.0 on that Amanar vault she messed up. You’re comparing what they did as individuals and not as a team. This is the team competition that we are talking about. At the 2011 Worlds team USA is the team that shut the whole thing down w/out any major mistakes. China & Russia had major ones. Then Russia got served at the 2012 Europeans and ended up with the team Silver. Aliya went home with not one individual medal just team silver. Do we need to keep comparing which team has more errors as a whole team you’re going to lose? Russia’s moment was at the 2010 Worlds as a team. I have nothing against Russia I think their women are beautiful gymnasts. I’m stating facts, when it comes to who’s better as a whole team and who has the higher start values.

  11. Rien says:

    First of all let me just say that I am not saying Russia is going to beat US I am just saying that they are a threat.
    My start values were excatly the same as that except Kyla had a 5.9 beam (trials final night) Gabby had a 6.0 floor (trials final night) and that’s the most recent competition. As for the Russians I took them from Russian cup (also most recent comp)except for Afanaseyva but her floor is the same as last year so I took that score. They are all accurate here is the website if you’d like to check. both Komova and Mustafina are training amanars (you can see it on youtube and on full twist) but say they don’t throw any amanars. Yes they would pretty much be out of the medals. My point also is that we cant judge the Russians based on their past performances. We all know they sucked. BUT they are not gonna give up (horrendous year in 09 and serious issues early 10 but then owned worlds). So once again I am not going to debate who had more faults (russians clearly) but we cant think of the US as all angelic and high and mighty (we all know that happened in Beijing) we need to be cautious is all I’m saying. Agreed once again about Romania lol (and I encourage you to watch the Russian cup not only because it was some great gymnastics, but because I think you will agree that Komova and Mustafina look nothing like tired and worn out)

  12. Rien says:

    And another factor which noone considers is judging. We aren’t gonna be getting 15.6 floor scores with international judges. Happened very clearly in Beijing (Shawn got 16.0 16.250 16.050 16.125 at trials and then got 15.5 in the games with no major differences). I seriously doubt it will be that extreme with the new code and everything but it is a thought. Our lack of artistry will be judged more harshly than it is now.

  13. becca says:

    You are quoting Alexandrov a few months ago. Komova has the Amanar back, she actually landed it at in internal competition. And another Russian coach confirmed that Aliya will be doing the Amanar too-thats 3 Amanars.

    Alexandrov was saying about three/four months ago they didn’t have them. Did it occur to you too that he was downplaying it for a reason… They’d like nothing more for USA to go in there overconfident.

    Aliya had a stumble on floor and not a great prelims. but the girl won team finals for them in 2010 and is just getting back in to form.l

  14. Admin says:

    Becca and RIen are correct, it has been confirmed that Russia have 3 Amanars.

  15. Rien says:

    Thank you both. I knew my facts were correct. People seriously underestimate Russia.

  16. Hai says:

    I think that aaronellis point is that coming into the olympics- the US has the HIGHEST D score of any women team. Whether Russia has 3 amanars or not, the US superior D scores on beam and floor more than compensate for Russia’s bars advantage. I agree with him that Romania is a bigger threat due to Russia’s inconsistency!!! Still, Romania’s weak D score on vault- at most 1 amanar- and atrocious bars ( lucky to get 14’s from 2 likely team final performers) will doom their chance against the US for gold. More likely silver between them and Russia.

  17. Rien says:

    But US doesn’t have the highest D score. Depending on who they put on beam they have the same difficulty as the US. And floor if they do their full routines they have slightly less difficulty than the US but they have 2 7.0 bar routines and the highest the US has is 6.5. Therefore Russia ends up wih a higher difficulty. Russia has had difficulty on the past but they have been rock solid at whey competition since EC.
    Maybe you’re confused because yes US has. 6.4 on beam and 6.5 on floor which are the highest but they need 3 scores on each event and the other two scores aren’t as high and bring the average down.

  18. Hai says:

    I beg to differ. If you count Douglas D score on bars, the highest is 6.6 – which she had at nationals! That’s 6.6 max (and I’m not counting the fact that she could possibly throw a max 6.9 D score on bars – per Chow) for Douglas, 6.4 for Wieber, and 6.4 for Ross. As for beam, if they use Wieber, that’s min 6.4 (possibly higher if she could connect the front handspring AND back handspring with the tuck full), Raisman with 6.5 max D score(which she has received) and Douglas with max 6.5 (which she HAS received). Count that with a 6.5 D for Raisman on floor and 6.1s minimum for both Wieber and Douglas and the US has a slight advantage in D score over Russia. As for the Russian’s consistency, if you look back at the last year and a half, you would see that the Americans have been much more consistent than the Russians – Grishina IS a prime example of inconsistency and they WILL have to use her. As for the amanars from Mustafina and Komova, I’ll reserve judgment since she sat down all of her attempts at the last major international meet. finally, rumors abound with Mustafina and her amanars, but any proof???? so many rumors as to amanars in practice, but the only ones to be seen in competitions this year has been the American women.

  19. Rien says:

    There is a difference from what the girls are caapble of doing and what they are going to do. You are taking D scores from the past. I am taking them from the last major competitions (trials and Russian cup) We can debate about this as much as you want but the facts are that as of the last competition, the Russians have the edge. And you really cant judge consistency because Ross just sat down her amanar, Maroney had that freak accident, Douglas missed the vault table, Wieber has the most inconsistent bars ive seen, Douglas had that very uncharacteristic stumble on bars, and that’s all during this year. Everyone has their off days and you cant say someone is going to be inconsistent based on the past. Their coach has confirmed they have 3 amanars. The US chooses to show the world exactly what to expect. The Russians choose to save their best for the games.

  20. Hai says:

    Just thought that I would point out a flaw in your logic – if you are going by the last competition only (ie the US trials and the Russian Cup), then the US does have the edge in D score. We should not go by what rumors and practices have been. It is interesting that you choose to go by the last competitions only for consistency but not for D scores eval.

  21. Rien says:

    As I explained in my last post I used the last competition for D scores not for consistency. I said that you CANNOT judge consistent because you never know whats going to happen whereas we know each gymnasts D score. And sorry but Russia has higher D scores. I encourage you to look at both countries scores and not just the US and you will see whay im saying. You were the one who brought in Gabbys possible 6.9 routine which is a rumor so ill advise you not to base you’re facts on “rumors and practices” which I never did.

  22. Hai says:

    I did use the last competitions for both Russia and the US to calculate the D scores. If you actually use ONLY the D scores for the Russians from the Cup and the US trials for the American women, the American women come out on top. you should check again yourself, especiaaly the D scores on the vault!!!! Since we are NOT using any rumors scores (ie coaches claiming 6.9 D score for bars or 3 amanars from gymnasts who have NOT landed one in competition in a year).

  23. Rien says:

    Paseka and Komova have both landed it in the last international competition and it has been confirmed by the NATIONAL coach that Mustafina will do it during team final. If Martha can confirm Gabbys 6.9 D Score ill take it. And my scores are correct. I have watched every national and international Russian meet as well as American so I am rather knowledgeable on the subject. But I guess we shall agree to disagree and see in 10 days how it turns out. Best luck to all the teams.

  24. aaron ellis says:

    I agree w/everything you have said. Mustafina, Komova and even Jordache all seem to be practicing their Amanar vault and none of the 03 have thrown them in a international or national competition to date. Russian Cup Mustafina & Komova DTY. Even at worlds Komova was set to throw her Amanar and down graded to the DTY for fear she’d land on her behind. Mustafina is NEVER going to throw an Amanar her knee with not allow that, She’ll NEVER be the gymnast she was in 2010. Now to all of you Mustafina fans I’m not saying she isn’t still a good gymnast she’s not the great gymnast she was. Then onto Jordache yet another one claiming to throw the Amanar and yet at her last friendly meet against ITA, GER & FRA she threw the DTY while her team mate Izbasa threw the Fei vault she’s been practicing. I find it odd that none of these girls are throwing them (Amanars) at meets to get it under their belt but their going to throw them at the Olympics where it’s a 3 up 3 count rule. So they can chance error and lose a medal? In team competition each gymnasts gets one vault not two like the used to do in the All Around.

  25. aaron ellis says:

    @ becca which international competition was this, where Komova and Mustafina have thrown Amanars? Russian Nationals Komova didn’t compete vault, Aliya DTY, Euros Komova did not compete vault Aliya DTY, Russian Cup both Aliya and Victoria DTY? We’ll even back it up 2011 worlds Aliya did not compete, Victoria DTY. So where was this Amanar being thrown at a national or international competition? Then to counter your claim has is it dawned on you that the Russian coaches may be lying, to scare team USA? The only country that has proven they have the Amanar vault is team USA. Which all 5 members do them including Kyla. She was hitting them in warm-ups proof is on you-tube and she let her nerves get to her and ended up sitting it down, so they pulled it. McKayla is the queen of the Amanar she does that vault and the Mustafina better than their creators. Jordyn nothing but Amanar vault, Gabby Amanar vault, Aly Amanar vault. And then team USA is not going into any meet as being over confident. They’re confident because they’re reigning world champions that will give any team a boost in their confidence. Just like confidence Russia went into 2011 worlds with and they got the dream shut down, by team USA. The competition between Russia and USA was close in 2010 Worlds vs 2011 worlds. 2011 Worlds the difference between 1st and 2nd 4.082, 2010 Worlds difference between 1st and 2nd .201 (this was w/the so called Queen Mustafina throwing her untidy Amanar as well as Nabieva). Like I stated before Maria’s start values were higher than her total score given for her vaults in vault finals at the Russian cup and she threw her Amanar (11.930) is not that great for any type of vault combine total.

  26. aaron ellis says:

    why don’t you try where they have the actual start values and you’ll see your way off. They post actual scores for every meet featuring team USA.
    Gabby VT 6.5 UB 6.5 BB 6.4 FX 6.2
    Jordyn VT 6.5 UB 6.4 BB 6.3 FX 6.2
    Aly VT 6.5 UB 5.9 BB 6.4 FX 6.5
    Kyla VT 6.5 UB 6.4 BB 6.0 FX 5.5
    McKayla VT 6.5/6.1 UB 5.6 BB 6.2 FX 6.0

  27. Hai says:

    Thank you aaronellis for confirming my calculations. I reviewed the results carefully from the Russian cup and the US trials and did NOT see how came up with his total D scores in favor of the Russian. Always curious to see which international meet THIS year has Komova landed her amanar???!!!! It’s OK to be for the Russian team, but when you are trying to be factual – please STICK to the numbers/results. No confimation/rumors. I really like Mustafina’s gymnastics, but please be realistic that she has NOT landed an amanar in competition since EC 2011 – over 14months ago. Just remember how hard Shawn Johnson had trying to get her amanar back after her ACL injury.

  28. Rien says:

    I am well aware of that thank you. I am not taking the highest scores from every which meet that I please. I am taking then from the TRIALS FINAL. Not any other competition. Same with the Russians. Using the competition closest to the games is the most accurate. Else I could use Mustafinas D scores from 2010. But that wouldn’t be accurate. Look again and you will see that according to the FINAL, my scores are correct. Your mistakes are as follows.
    Gabby FX 6.000
    Kyla VT 5.8 BB 5.9
    McKayla UB 5.8 BB 6.1
    You are welcome.

  29. Hai says:

    I’m sorry, but we are talking about the 3 up and counting team final!!!! If you do that, you will realize your mistakes. Aaron ellis is right. Do the math. Kyla’s vault and BB, and Maroney’s UB and BB will not count in the team final. Even if for some weird reason Martha decideds on Ross instead of Douglas for one of the three spots in team final, the US still HAS a big lead over Russia. , if you are really knowledgeable about gymnastics, you would know that Ross’ vault and Maroney’s BB and UB will NOT be counted in team finals for medals. If you use the D scores for the likely trio for each team for each event (using only D scores from the Russian cup and US trials) you will see that the US total D scores much higher than Russian’s!!! Also, can you remind me which INTERNATIONAL competition THIS year that Komova has landed an amanar. I have googled and researched and have yet to find it????

  30. Rien says:

    CLEARLY it was Aaron who brought up the scores of all the athletes I was simply pointing out that his numbers were wrong. I must say you don’t read very clearly. You are missing the point. His numbers were wrong. I know that not all of them matter I was simply correcting him.
    Once again you are wrong in saying that the US’s D score much higher than that of the Russians. I am all for the US and I don’t know where you are getting your numbers but something is coming out wrong on your end. Are you assuming that the Russians will throw no amanars because than it would make sense that the US has higher D scores. I agree with that. But lets be honest, its the Russians, they are not going to play it safe. I put the Russian federations website link in an above message. You can see a the scores there as well as Komovas vault.

  31. Hai says:

    – I think that my question was which international (not internal) competition has Komova landed an amanar???? Secondly, the reason I said the US has the higher totals was that you said to use the Russian cup results for the Russians and the Trials for the US b/c they were the latest competition results. Therefore my calculations were based on ACTUAL results, NOT confimations/rumors. The actual results show the US with a HIGHER team D score total. Please do the math BASED on the ACTUAL results from those two competitions and you will get the same answer as aaronellis and myself. Whether I believe the Russians will have one or more amanars in London is immaterial. We are supposed to use real competition numbers only.

  32. Rien says:

    Ive done the math many many times. But Alright then I agree with you. Take out the Russian amanars and the US has the edge. I guess you are in for a surprise come the games. I will be excited to check back here in twos weeks to show you the the Russian did in fact use amanars and that you were wrong yet again.
    Till then, I advise you to check your math skills, and perhaps your research skills as well because they seem to big a bit off.
    (I don’t remember the competition either sui vs or fran vs even though you’ve probably never heard of them because you are mesmerized my US gymnastics. Look on the website for proof.)

  33. Hai says:

    I think that my math skills are very good thank you. Anyone can confirmr my findings using the Russian cup results and the Trials’ results. I think the reason y your “numbers” are so off is b/c you are allowing your belief that the Russians will have a minimum of one amanar and a likelyhood of 3 amanars in London to cloud your actual calculations based on the Russian cup and the US Trials. I am not naive enough that I think the Russians will have no amanars in London. I think that my point,and aaron ellis’ also, is that we can only calculate ACTUAL D score based on real results (ie Russian cup and Trials), not what can be possible based on what a coach says will happen.

  34. aaron ellis says:

    @ Rein “It’s the Russians” what does that mean the last time Russia made the podium at an Olmypic games would be 04? They did not make the podium for anything at the 08 games it was all about USA, China and Romania. Then you claim that Russian has these Amanars where is this actual footage of Komova and Mustafina throwing them at a meet? And if you’re going off of the Russian Cup Results you need to go off of the scores given at the US trials. which were the ones I listed above. Then I would also like to point out that 7.0 start value Victoria has that’s “IF” she can land the dismount. Look at the footage for event finals she landed on her back then her start value dropped. You don’t get the credit for a fall like that.

  35. aaron ellis says:

    @ Rien: Okay I used Google “Russian Cup” and found the Russian Cup, I can’t speak nor read Russian so I don’t know who’s name I picked but, I will give Russia benefit of doubt that these are the 05 picked I went thru and found the highest 03 scores on every event final. Confirmation from ones coach is NOT fact until it is seen on the main stage. So with the US trial and the Russian Cup results only FOUR well actually SIX Amanars will be used FIVE from USA, ONE from Russia
    Vault: 5.8/5.8/6.5
    Uneven Bars: 7.0/7.0/6.5
    Balance Beam 6.3/6.1/6.4
    Floor Exercise 5.8/5.9/5.8
    Vault: 6.5/6.5/6.5
    Uneven Bars: 6.5/6.4/6.4
    Balance Beam: 6.4/6.5/6.4
    Floor Exercise: 6.2/6.2/6.5 you can even down grade one of these to 6.0.
    Beside uneven bars where do you get Russia beats USA in start value? Vault only one gymnast has a tie start value. Uneven bars the Russian kill USA that’s a given BUT we’re not too far behind like the Romanians, then Balance Beam they values flip USA comes back out on top, then on Floor none of their scores make it to the 6.0 start value, So USA wins that too. PLEASE explain where Russia’s start values are higher that team USA besides on Uneven Bars or as a total?

  36. Hai says:

    I agree with you, aaron, on these calculations. If you check out Andy Thorton’s blog on where he compiled all the latest D scores of China, Romania, Russia, and the US, he also found that Russia is .6 behind the US in likely D scores of team final, and that’s WITH the big assumption that Russia has 3 amanars going into London. So, , could we all be wrong in our calculations????

  37. Regan says:

    @rein how bout those Russian amanars? Lol

  38. Moises says:

    Lol all this talk about Russia Not having any amanars. So glad these haters were proven wrong. As for the Komova haters; I’m glad she got a 7.0 all throughout the Olympics for UB to shut you all up. And as for the Romanian fans, well i guess you MAJORILY wrong because even with the GAGANTIC errors Russia had during Team Finals, Russia still finish waayyy ahead of Romania…. LOVE when People are proven Wrong lol

  39. AliyaFan says:

    LOL, reading the comments makes me laugh. People thought Russia had no chance at a medal, yet they got silver for team and had TWO girls on the medals podium. Never count the Russians out.

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