Felicia Hano’s Journey—Part Five


By Anna Rose Johnson

Since September 2014, Full Twist contributor Anna Rose Johnson has been following the journey of U.S. senior national team member Felicia Hano.

Felicia was scheduled to compete at the 2015 U.S. Secret Classic on July 25th, but unfortunately she sustained an injury during podium training on the 24th and was unable to compete. “Well, to be completely honest, that wasn’t how I planned Classics would go!” Felicia told Full Twist. “I was training a new vault and wanted to showcase it during competition. Didn’t work out too well! My recovery has been good, a slow but steady progress.”

Initially it was hoped that Felicia might be able to compete at the P&G Championships this August, but “between my coaches, family, doctors, and myself, we came to the conclusion that it was in my—and my ankle’s—best interest if I didn’t compete at Championships,” she explained. “As of today I’m barely able to walk on it without my boot, let alone tumble.”

Felicia told us, “My goals/plans for the rest of 2015 would be to recover fully and get stronger for the 2016 season! Also definitely work on some major upgrades.”

We wish Felicia all the best in her recovery, and we’re looking forward to watching her compete as soon as possible!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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