Camp Quotes: Hano & Raisman


Article by Anna Rose Johnson

The first U.S. women’s camp of the year was held on January 21-25, 2015. According to the USA Gymnastics press release, the camp included “half routine verification and physical abilities testing with a focus on finalizing routine construction for the first half of the 2015 competitive season.”

Since there wasn’t a camp in December, gymnastics fans eagerly awaited January to hear the latest from our Team USA stars. So without further ado, Full Twist is excited to present quotes from two of the gymnasts who attended the camp and told us their thoughts on the experience.

Felicia Hano/Gym-Max: “I felt that January camp was very productive and very successful. We worked on our routine parts and cleaning up skills we already had. We were also trying to integrate new skills into our routine parts. Overall, I had a lot of fun, and I was pleased with my performance.”

Aly Raisman/Brestyan’s: “Training camp was good. Very intense as usual, all the girls are working extremely hard and we all push each other to the next level. I know I have a lot of work to put in but I feel I am in a good place for January 2015.” Aly also shared her goals for 2015: “I am training for [the Jesolo Trophy in] Italy at the end of March. Then Classics, Championships and hopefully World Championships. Crazy that next year at this time will be the Olympic year!”

Special thanks to Felicia and Aly for chatting with us! We wish them all the best of luck as they prepare for the 2015 season.

Image via Getty Images.

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