Shang Chunsongs story


In comparison to the likes of the US or European gymnasts, not too much is known regarding the back ground of the Chines gymnasts. A blog post has appeared detailing the earlier life of China’s Shang Chunsong, who last night placed 4th All Around at the World Championships. As with every major Championships involving China, many jokes and comments are passed regarding the size and age of the WAG gymnasts (). The story gives a great insight into Shang:

Chunsong is malnourished from the very young. She had a brother, six years seniors of her, who unfortunately has lost most of his vision since a young age. The illness was initially curable, yet his family could not support the medical fee. Nonetheless, albeit the lack of monetary satisfaction, Chunsong is blessed with one of the most precious things in the world – kinship. When Chunsong was 6, due to the remoteness of their house, Chunsong and her brother, Lei, needed to climb a treacherous mountain trail everyday to go to school. In the morning, since Lei can still decipher a vague image out of his bare vision, he will carry Chunsong on his back to walk miles to school. At night, however, Lei would totally lose his vision, and Chunsong will be holding her brother’s hand to guide the both of them back to their home.

Read more on this great piece .

Image via Getty Images.


  1. YCTomi says:

    Such a heartbreaking story for her. The haters should be ashamed for being mean to this beautiful and strong girl.

  2. Shanel says:

    Besides the Russian team. Shang is my favorite Chinese gymnast. I was shocked that she was ROBBED of a medal on FX in Glasgow. I’m sure she will redeem herself in Rio. Good luck Shang!

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