Kieran Behan secures European Championships final slot


Kieran Behan today secured a place for the European Championships Floor final this Sunday in Montpellier.

Kieran and the Irish Senior team, sponsored by and wearing O’Neills sportswear, competed today in the first subdivision of the European Championships this morning at the Park & Suites Arena and confirmation came through this evening that he had secured his place at Sunday’s Event Finals following a strong performance that showed his unique style.

The 23 year old gymnast who has captured the hearts of the nation and beyond with his inspirational journey to gaining Olympic qualification, performed third on Floor this morning, securing the top position ahead of two World Floor Champions, until later in the evening when his position moved from first to third after two fantastic performances by Russian Denis Ablyazin and Israel’s Alexander Shatilov.

Kieran Behan said: “I am thrilled with the team’s performance today, this was Ireland’s best performance at a European Championships in many years. In terms of my performance, I am very happy, it is an incredible result to have qualified in third position and to have held first place for so long. It was an anxious wait to see the final qualification result but the outcome is fantastic. It’s been a great European Championships so far. I plan to go out on Sunday and nail my routine with style.”

Gymnastics Ireland Performance and Technical Manager, Sally Filmer, and Head of Delegation said: “Kieran has made great strides over the last two years in particular. Becoming a World Cup Floor Champion firmly set his position on the international scene alight. Once again today, Kieran delivered for our sport in Ireland, backed by a fantastic senior team who were great sports supporting him and who have worked extremely well together over the past couple of months. Kieran’s performance today was elegant, showing unique style and confidence.  Competing well at European’s has been part of our plan and in particular in the build-up to the Olympic Games in July. Overall, the team’s performance was fantastic, showing that our hard work is coming together as we competed well on the European front today

Senior Gymnastics Ireland Team Coach and personal Coach to Kieran, Darren Gerrard said: “Kieran performed superbly today, to begin a competition in such style was an incredible opening and a great start to the day. It was a long agonising wait but well worth it in the end. We are extremely proud of Kieran’s performance and couldn’t have asked for more.”

Kieran will compete on floor on Sunday afternoon, May 27th, during the first event final of the day. He has been drawn seventh to compete out of eight competitors, a position which he is more than happy with.

Gymnastics Ireland President, Ger Rellis, said: “It’s great Kieran has made Finals and a validation of his hard work ahead of the Olympics It was a superb performance; the first Irish Athlete to make the Finals. We wish him all the best of luck. Terrific.”

As originally seen on Gymnastics Ireland. As an Irish run website, Full Twist has been working together with Gymnastics Ireland bringing live coverage from Montpellier.

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