Judge rules with Wammes


In the ongoing case of Jeffrey Wammes, a Dutch judge has ruled that the KNGU decided too quickly in awarding Epke Zonderland with the honor of representing the Netherlands at this years Olympics. The judge ruled today that the KNGU can only select Zonderland if he proves his form at upcoming competitions. So as such, Wammes still could be going to the Olympics. That leaves Zonderland and Wammes in serious competition for Europeans and the World Cup Events. No guidelines have been released but one can only assume that this will be based on scores and results.

More can be read from various Dutch news outlets, here, here and here.

What do you think? After all this should Wammes go to the Olympics? Or would you still prefer Zonderland? Leave a comment below.


  1. Elizabeth says:

    I would still pick Epke. I think he has a legitamit change or a medal and wanted is still young

  2. Heather McKenna says:

    Definitely the charistmatic Zonderland. Please don’t deny us the chance to see Epke’s innovative bars routine. Agree with Elizabeth that he has a real chance of a medal. As a women’s gymnastics fan rather than men’s I haven’t even heard of Wammes BUT I know who Epke Zonderland is! Also think it’s wrong of Wammes to go this route, these decisions are never easy ones but will have been made after much thought and discussion.

  3. Epke.

    But I don’t mind him having to prove himself before being confirmed.

    We want Jeffrey training full-out, too.

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