Happy Birthday!


With the excitement of live blogging at the Glasgow World Cup, we forgot about our birthday. On Friday April 15th, Full Twist was 2 years old!

Thanks to all who have supported Full Twist over the last 2 years, especially to those other bloggers who have linked to us over time, it’s greatly appreciated. Live blogging at the Men’s and Women’s competitions at the Glasgow World Cup was a great way to celebrate our 2nd birthday! Over the last year especially, Full Twist has really taken off, with numerous views and visits daily. We hope to only get bigger and better over the next year!

Thanks to everyone, for your comments, Facebook likes, tweets and for subscribing via RSS. We hope that you all are still enjoying the blog and keep on reading!If you would like to contribute to Full Twist in anyway, writing, photographyplease do get in touch admin[at]fulltwist.net. Likewise, if there was anything you would like us to feature in the future, please let us know.


  1. GymNiceTic says:

    Happy Birthday!! 🙂

  2. Admin says:

    Thank you! 🙂

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